Dr Phani Krishna Ravula
Surgical Gastroenterologist
Experience : 19 + Years
Med Reg No : 78382
040 4848 6868     
Dr. Ravula Phani Krishna has over 16 years experience in surgical gastroenterology & worked 6 years as surgical gastroenterology and liver transplant surgeon at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. Fellowships in the UK ( 2 years ), Japan( Kurume University ) and South Korea ( Asan Hospital ) in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders and liver transplantation. Also was the lead transplant surgeon establishing and running an active live donor and cadaveric transplant program,Presently working as consultant surgical gastroenterologist with special interests in HPB, minimally invasive surgery and liver transplant.
MS MRCS (Edin) M.Ch (SGPGI) HPB Oncology Fellowship (Japan), Liver Transplant Fellowship (Leeds UK)

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